
💎Citrine Orgone Pyramid - Pyramids have been used for centuries to amplify and transform energy. Its mystical shape intensifies energy and boosts crystal healing properties.

*Citrine - Known to attract wealth, prosperity and abundance, it is often used to assist in manifesting financial abundance and opportunities.

💎Good Fortune Pouch - The three crystals in this pouch are sure to supercharge your vibration and magnetize abundance into your life.

*Citrine - Known to attract wealth, prosperity, abundance and infinite opportunities.

*Tigers Eye - Attract fortune and prosperity with this powerful gem.

*Nephrite - Increase abundance and success with this revered ancient stone.

💎Joy Spray - Infused with a sunstone crystal charged with reiki energy, this inspiring blend brings happiness and joy to your aura and space.

💎White Onyx Elephant Stone - This stone carved in the shape of an elephant is a symbol of good luck, wisdom, inner strength and protection.

*White Onyx - A nurturing and protective stone that purifies negative energy such as sadness or anxiety, helps in mastery of your own energy and aligning with the divine.

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