Clearing Spray


Like burning a smudge stick but without the smoke, clear away lower vibrations, old negative energy and increase your vibration. You may often absorb these energies from the environment and other people. It is important to remove and cleanse them from your mind, body and soul regularly. Ideal for clearing, cleansing and rejuvenating personal or office spaces and yourself and your being.

This spray is infused with Clear Quartz that is charged with reiki energy.

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*Do not use it if you are allergic to any of the ingredients listed in this product.

*Use caution with sensitive skin if you don't know how you will react with particular ingredients.

*The information and products listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, sickness, or infection. It is recommended that you consult with your healthcare provider or doctor before using any herbal products; particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or are currently taking any medications.

4 oz Clearing Spray
Ingredients: Distilled Water, Essential Oils (Sage, Pine)
Crystal: Clear Quartz

Each spray is handmade in an environment of positive energy and unconditional love.
The spray is sound charged by Tibetan singing bowls and infused with Reiki energy.

***HOW TO USE***
Spray anywhere in the house, office, car or on yourself/ aura.